Solutions For Educators
CBT Vision's expertise in testing and training products can now be utilized to fit the special requirements of educators. Although Examiner™ was originally developed to serve the needs of students who were preparing for certification exams, the Examiner Administration Utility enables it to be used in exciting new ways. Instructors can now create quizzes or tests of any length or variety that will serve their needs within the context of the classroom throughout a semesters or course of study. Whether there is a need for pop quizzes, mid-term tests or final exams, Examiner can be used to augment or replace traditional paper-based assessment tools. Test content can be developed by CBT Vision or created by customers to serve their specific educational objectives.
Unlike any other popular test preparation software Examiner™ makes it possible to completely integrate Examiner™ into the classroom environment. Instructors can now create customized tests from a large and varied pool of questions. These tests can be delivered in a secure environment at any given time.
Student information and test results can be entered, tracked and reported upon with incredible ease. Examiner™ also works well with other applications. Information can be imported from and exported to Excel spreadsheets with the click of a mouse.
The Examiner Administration Utility is Internet ready. That makes it easier than ever to tailor virtually any content and subject matter into an assessment solution that will work for you. Using a test simulator need not interfere with any other classroom activities. It can only serve to enhance them. We are confident that you will find that learning progresses at a much more rapid rate when you get our products working for you.
That's a big part of our mission: empowering the learner, as well as the educator, today to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
Class Room Setup - Overview
Class Room Setup - Overview
CBT Vision's Class Room Setup (CRS) software is made up of three components, namely License Server, the Administration Utility and Examiner.
License Server
- CBT Vision's License Server serves two functions. First, it manages the licensing of CBT Vision products in a LAN or WAN environment.
- Secondly, License Server acts as a central storage location for all information generated by user activities, including student records, progress reports and the like. This includes information that pertains to the operation of the Administration Utility.
- The License Manager/License Server combination allows an administrator at one or more customers sites to manage licensing of CBT Vision's products for multiple classrooms and courses.
Administration Utility
- CBT Vision's Examiner Administration Utility allows instructors to tailor the way that the Examiner is used within a particular classroom, typically for a single session or course of study.
- The Administration Utility is designed from the ground up to help instructors/educators manage, administer and customize test to be delivered in a secure environment. Progress reports can be generated from test results and student progress can be tracked.
- Note: Because it is designed to scale to the needs of a particular classroom or course of study, the Administration Utility can run on more than one computer.
- Examiner is designed to deliver computerized tests to students. It can be used to assess student progress within a course or to prepare students to take third-party certification exams.
- Exam content related files are installed on each client/student computer. This installation is simple and straightforward and involves no activation or licensing during the installation itself.
Note: Examiner can be installed on client computers using various "rollout" and disk imaging techniques without licensing issues interfering at all.
Note: After Examiner is installed on the client, each time it is started the product it will connect to a License Server on the LAN to make sure that a license for that particular product is available. If all the licenses are in use, the product will not run on the client.
Recommendations for using Examiner, License Manager and the Admin Utility together can be found in this document under the headings: License Server on the Network - Best Practices and License Server - Backing up Your Information.
- Reduced overhead
- Multiple classrooms with different courseware can be managed from a single networked computer. All information and updates can be stored in a single location, accessed, and updated simultaneously from a remote location by instructors or administrative personnel.
- Reduce or eliminate the need to dedicate equipment and staff for testing and assessment
- Centralize and standardize administration of tests, improving security and reducing costs.
- Handling of all the administration involved in delivering your tests to students
- Increase the accuracy of grading
- Provide a uniform interface for all computerized testing
- Customized reporting of test results and view tests results immediately or at any time thereafter
- Creation of additional testing products based on your content
- Centralized storage of student records and tests
- Centralized tracking of student and license information
- Easy export and transfer on student names, IDs, records and passwords
- Easy rollout and installation of the Examiner™ software
You can deliver Examiner's solid content in exciting new ways in a classroom environment. The Examiner Administration Utility (EAU) can help instructors and teaching assistants create, customize, manage and deliver Examiner™ tests in a way that suits their educational setting and particular needs.
- Instructors can create customized tests from the questions found in Examiner™.
- The Examiner Administration Utility is Internet ready.
- Student information and test results can be entered, tracked and reported upon.
- This data can be imported from and exported to Excel spreadsheets.
Classroom Management
You can set up the utility work the way you want it to by typing in or importing session and course information.
- Tests can be delivered in a secured network environment.
- Test results are automatically saved for later analysis and evaluation.
The Examiner Administration Utility makes it possible for an entire class to review the results of their computerized tests at the same time through secured means.
Three separate reports are automatically generated every time a student takes a customized Examiner™ test
- The Summary Report compares the number of questions that were available on the test and the number of questions they answered correctly for each student.
- The Percentage Report indicates on a question-by-question basis the percentage of students who answered the question correctly.
- The Student Report reports on how well each student enrolled in a particular course has done on each of the tests that they have taken.
Information Transfer
Student, Instructor and teaching assistant information as well as customized test content can be transferred from one classroom or session to another. Customized test questions can be preserved, or updated and altered enough to keep students honest.
We can create an Examiner-like product for any exam content you may have, such as English, Math, Geography, History or any IT related subjects. We will convert your content into an Examiner-like product, which you may use with our Administration Utility and License Manager. Volume pricing options are available. Please contact us at and we will be happy to work out the details with you. Please find a base price structure below:
ClassRoom Setup
Administration Utility and License Manager |
$50 / license / year |
Development Cost (For a Basic Test) |
$1000 / one time cost |
Note: All pricing is in US Dollars
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